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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

OO6. Catch Up, I'm Now Caught Up

I know I haven’t written in a while, so this post is going to be all over the place, so I apologize for that.

1) I think that the last time I posted I was just starting Summer in the City by Robyn Sisman, so that seems like a good place to start. The book was pretty good for a light chick-lit thing, and on that level I have no complaints, it’s a solid three stars for that (which is about all I’ll give a light read like that, unless I love it). On the other hand, from a more technical standpoint, I’d drop the rating down to a two star.  I love multiple narrators, as I think I’ve made clear before, so I loved that aspect of it.  The one thing that frustrated me was that there really wasn’t much character development.  I mean, I think she tried to make it look like there was, through actions, but all-in-all, psychologically there really were no changes, and there should have been with the plotline.

I would definitely recommend reading it though if you’re on an airplane, by a pool, exhausted at night, or on the beach.  Other than that, it really isn’t worth your time.

2) Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, was interesting. I didn’t love it, I don’t know why. I really wanted to like it, so badly actually, but I just didn’t.  I felt absolutely no sympathy for Victor throughout the entire book, which I don’t think was the point, but my entire English class did, so that just really turned me off of the book a little. It was definitely well written though, and I actually liked the writing style.  The plot was different, and wasn’t the typical plot you’d get from a woman around that time period, so that won points from me. Overall, I’d say it was a two and a half star book.  I’ll probably end up rereading it later on, and maybe I’ll feel differently.

3) So, A Brave New World, by Adolus Huxley…I was just genuinely disturbed by that book. I can’t even really talk about it because I have no clue what even went on because I was so creeped out by most of the book. One star—if that. Maybe if I read it again, and got past the disturbances, I’d appreciate it more.

4) About a week ago, I started a book I received as an Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) of The Courtesan’s Guide to Getting Your Man, by Susan Donovan and Celeste Bradley.  So far, I’m really enjoying it.  It’s definitely a little more…explicit, than I anticipated, but I kind of moved past that. Me being me, I love the two narrators—Ophelia Harrington, the courtesan/heroine from the past, and Piper Chase-Pierpont, the drab museum curator.  I especially love that because the two narrators are completely different. I’m only about 130ish pages into it, so I don’t really have much to say on that level, but I’m really looking forward to reading more tonight!!

5) I’ve still made zero progress on Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States

I think that’s all I really had to mention…except…I started a personal blog!! Check it out J Become a follower J I’ll love you forever!!

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